Monday, April 5, 2010

Two Days Late!

We've been so busy that I've forgotten to post my pictures! It's been so much fun exploring things trying to find interesting facts for you guys! Below each picture will be an explanation of it, read each one carefully (Are you FOLLOWING DIRECTIONS? :) you'll never know when I'm going to throw some math facts in! (I don't know why this is underlined!) Word Search: Find all of the contractions in this post and write the two words that make it up.

Just a cool picture of some barns.
An Amish man working in fields. There are 4 horses and each horse has 4 legs, how many legs are there in all? Solve this two ways using pictures and words!

An Amish buggy, with someone driving it! :) Remember how I said that they don't use cars? Well this is their version of the car, it even has windows.

Let's all guess who this picture is for, ISABEAU! I saw this and my first thought was that you'd love it!

Mar'ria this is a very far away picture of the Washington Monument, I promise I will get a better one!

Once again Mar'ria a poor picture on the U.S. Pentagon, I promise to get better ones! This is where the head military leaders from the Army, Navy, Air Force, Coast Guard, and Marines work.

Tonight I will post even more pictures.

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